
Argentek LLC was founded in 2010. Its name comes from a portmanteau of the words Argentum + Tech which briefly describes the nature of our business as an electronics wholesaler.

Argentum + Tech

Latin word for "silver"   short for "technology"

Argentek aims to bring the world’s most innovative products to distributors and resellers around the world, thereby making the latest and greatest in modern technology more widely accessible.

Argentek has grown insurmountably since its inception – we’ve distributed to over 70 countries, grown our staff to more than 30 talented people from different parts of the world, and established offices in 4 different countries. In 2024, we continue to serve and evolve with our valued partners.

Become one of them today 

Our mission

To bring the world’s most innovative products to distributors and retailers around the world

Our vision

To make the latest and greatest in modern technology accessible to the world

Argentek in numbers


years in service


talented staff in
6 different countries


countries served to date


international office locations

Our brand partners

Argentek is proud to be authorized distributors of the following leading companies in tech innovation!

Our history

More than a decade of milestones as we hone our expertise in wholesale distribution


Argentek is born 🎂 

Our Founder decides to start Argentek with a team of go-getters from a previous venture, rents a warehouse, and begins to distribute electronic products!


Argentek makes its first $1,000,000 💵

In our first year, thanks to our hardworking staff – we celebrate our first million dollars in revenue! 🎉


Argentek hits $10,000,000 💸

In our fourth year, we hit our first eight-digit revenue and start to consider ourselves as a sizable and relevant competitor in the electronics distribution scene.


Argentek distributes to over 50 countries 🌎

By 2016, we continue to grow our customer base and distribute to over fifty countries around the world.


Argentek hires its first remote employee 👨‍💻

In 2018, we hire Stefan, our first ever remote employee. Stefan paves the way for what is now a team of over thirty remote talents from across the globe!


Argentek is named Exporter of the Year 🏆

Argentek is officially recognized by the United States Small Business Administration as the Exporter of the Year in Delaware!


Argentek continues to serve hundreds of retailers and distributors in over 70 countries around the world 💙

Fourteen years into the business, our company has grown insurmountably and have earned the trust of hundreds of different clients in over seventy countries. We continue to work towards our mission and vision today – bringing the world's most innovative tech to retailers and distributors around the world!

Handelot VIP Gold Member

Argentek is a VIP Gold Handelot Member

Our commitment to credible and trustworthy wholesale distribution.

Become one of our partners today.

Reach out to our sales team for our exclusive pricing.

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